What do LEGOs, 3D printers, tunnels, Mars, windmills, apps and robots all have in common? If you’re a 1st through 12th grader you can learn about them in the Fulton Schools Summer Academy!
The Fulton Schools Summer Academy features on-campus activities that promote discovery, creation and design. You’ll meet and work with our fantastic faculty, staff and students in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. Let us show you just how cool engineering and technology is so that one day, you will join us at Arizona State University!
Engineering is everywhere you look, touches every area of our lives and brings us so many things that make life better. Come and discover how you can be part of creating the future.
Invest Your Money
Your donation can send a child who may not otherwise be able to attend to one our Fulton Summer Academy Camps. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to see ASU’s campus, engage with university students and experience engineering first hand!
Donate $250 = 1 Fulton Academy Scholarship, or donate any amount!