Join other high school students to learn about the exciting world of semiconductor design, fabrication, and applications. The first part of the camp will introduce students to discrete devices, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors. The second part will challenge students to design, build, and program a functional system that uses embedded microcontrollers (Arduino) with chip-based sensors and actuators.

Additional camp information:

Camp date: June 10th-14th, 2024, (8:30 am-4:00 pm)

Camp location: Arizona State University- West Valley campus

Who can apply to attend?

Students who meet these requirements may apply to attend:

  • Arizona residents or students residing in Arizona over the summer with family.
  • 9th-12th graders (priority given to rising 11th and 12th graders)
  • Good academic standing GPA

What is the cost? $300.00 *

  • Once students are admitted into the program, students will be asked to make program payments.

What does the cost include?

  • Hands-on project (and supplies) facilitated by ASU Fulton Schools of Engineering faculty member
  • Project base activities
  • Lunch and light snacks
  • Tours of engineering Labs and ASU Campus
  • ASU Application Fee Waiver ($50.00 Value)
  • FSE swag and T-shirt